Our Services

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Navigating the complexities of taxes can be overwhelming, often prompting people to delay consideration until it's too late.

Our team understands the importance of having a proactive tax plan in place to eliminate surprises and capitalize on opportunities for better decision-making, both in the short and long term.

Our collaborative approach involves periodic meetings throughout the year to analyze transactions and prepare year-end tax projections, ensuring that our clients are well-prepared and can avoid unexpected payments on April 15th.

Planning can include

  • Review of RSUs (Restricted Stock Units), ISOs (Incentive Stock Options), and ESPPs (Employee Stock Purchase Plans) for optimal tax treatment
  • Assessment of wealth transfer plans to ensure tax efficiency
  • Evaluation of Qualified Small Business Stock (§1202) dispositions for potential tax benefits
  • Cash flow planning to optimize financial strategies
  • Loss harvesting to manage tax liabilities and maximize deductions

Our focus is to understand your financial and business needs so that we can work together to achieve your goals.

Contact Us Today!